

Javautvecklare med kunskap i teknisk säkerhet - Stockholm

Just now we have a request from one of our Swedish clients for a Javautvecklare med kunskap i teknisk säkerhet. 

As our client explained:

Vi behöver hjälp med att bygga en integration mellan befintliga säkerhetssystem. Behovet är med start omedelbart och vi värdesätter starkt om man kan arbeta så mycket som möjligt under sommaren. Projektet väntas fortsätta under september/oktober. 

Efterfrågade teknikkunskaper:
- Senior javautvecklare (minst 5 år) 
- Teknisk säkerhets inom ex. Open ID Connect (Authentification/Authorization)
- Spring Boot
- Integration/Systemkunskap
- Use case/Sekvensdiagram

Duration: Until the October 2019.
Start: ASAP
Place: Stockholm

If you feel qualified for this position or know someone else who is, could you or your colleague please contact me as soon as possible (in Swedish or English) with the following:

an updated CV in Word format
a price per hour
an availability date

Send your information to michael@konsultfabriken.se

By sending us this information, you agree to allow us, if you are selected, to present this information to our client for this assignment. If you are sending this information on behalf of a third party, you must inform them of this, before sending it to us. 


This assignment is closed.

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